Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cho's writing said to be very disturbing

One of Cho's english teachers at VT has come out and described him as troubled and stated that his "creative" writing was so disturbing that Cho was referred to the counseling department.

It's like I've been saying, the answer isn't more guns, it's parents and society getting involved and talking to kids and getting involved with them so they don't feel isolated and turn into these loners. This kid was troubled for quite some time and the parents did nothing, surely they saw signs.

Its sad to me that 32 people had to die because this kids parents and society created a killer and society still doesn't see it's not more guns and camera's, it's not throwing more money at those things, its as simple as getting getting involved with your kids and as a kid reaching out and accepting other kids into your peer group.

Read the latest with the teacher here:


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