Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Go back to practicing law!

Neal Boortz continues to rail on his radio program this morning that the kids at VT should have done more to defend themselves. This implys they are cowards. This disgusts me.
I find these comments far more offensive than anything Imus said, how dare he imply these kids are cowards and disgrace their memories by questioning their actions.
How dare he use a national forum to questions their actions when it is quite possible the friends, the parents, and the relatives could be listening. How would you like to hear after your son or daughter died that they should have done more to fight back?
I am all for free speech but I am sick and tired of these fat old bastards like Neal Boortz using their forum for evil. And questioning the actions of the dead when all they were trying to do was go to class and get their education is both disgusting and evil.
This morning Neal told his audience that he is "bullet proof" and he would be making more money practicing law, I for one am sick of his antics and hope he does return to law to leave tak radio. Neal Boortz would not be missed.

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