Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tameka speaks out!

Usher's Fiancée Speaks Out About Canceled Wedding
MONDAY JULY 30, 2007 10:25 PM EDT
By Isoul H. Harris
Usher and Foster Photo by: Getty
Tameka Foster is finally speaking out about the swirl of rumors surrounding her canceled nuptials to Usher this past Saturday. "No one knows why we canceled the wedding, but I can tell you that all of the reasons that everyone is speculating and writing about are completely untrue," Foster told PEOPLE Monday, but she declined to reveal more about why the nuptials were called off. Sources tell PEOPLE at issue were family matters (Usher's mother and former manager Jonetta Patton was against the wedding) and disagreements between the would-be-bride and groom over wedding details. Foster, 37, who is now in Atlanta (as is Usher, 28) does address one rumor that spread on local radio stations and blogs – that following Saturday's canceled ceremony, she checked into a local hospital and went into pre-term labor. "We had a scare," she says. "But, I am fine and the baby is fine.” The couple announced in June that they were expecting their first child together, due this fall. Foster and Usher’s nuptials were scheduled to take place this past Saturday at the Hamptons residence of Island Def Jam CEO L.A. Reid. But hours before the scheduled ceremony, a source told PEOPLE that the 70 to 100 guests who were expected to attend were advised that it wasn't taking place as originally planned. At the time, a publicist for the R&B singer, Patti Webster, said in a statement, "It was announced today that the wedding ceremony for Usher Raymond IV and Tameka Foster was canceled. No additional information will be given regarding the circumstances of the cancellation, but we hope the privacy of this matter will be respected."
Monday, July 30, 2007

Conrad Hilton, grandfather of Paris, has in a stunning development removed Paris from his will and her $60 million dollar inheritance. Conrad, long tired of Paris's antics has officially removed her from the will. Apparantly, he almost removed her after the sex tape, but the dui and suspended license fiasco apparantly pushed him over the edge. He will leave most of his inheritance to charity! Good for him , BRAVO!
Britney and KFED officially divorced!
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are now officially divorced.
For now, the pair will have 50/50 joint custody of their boo boos and K-Fed is supposed to make $15,000 a month for child support, according to their pre-nup.
He agreed to let that crazy ho have joint custody???
K-Fed must be getting a nice pay-off!
The now exes are said to not even be talking to each other. A follow-up trip to family court is coming up very soon, more likely than not.
For now, the pair will have 50/50 joint custody of their boo boos and K-Fed is supposed to make $15,000 a month for child support, according to their pre-nup.
He agreed to let that crazy ho have joint custody???
K-Fed must be getting a nice pay-off!
The now exes are said to not even be talking to each other. A follow-up trip to family court is coming up very soon, more likely than not.
The question is with two hours and change until close, can we have a positive day?

The market again today has had a tough time getting a footing. Currently is up about 50 on the down and up about 6 on the s&p, those represent gains of about a half a percent. The big question though is can the market close strong or are we in for the bears taking control again late in the day and have a huge selloff like we saw Friday. Keep your fingers crossed!
If your buying Aquafina, you might as well just flush your money down the toilet!

Pepsi admitted this weekend that Aquafina comes straight from the tap and they will now label the bottle with a PWS for public water source. I have never gotten into drinking the bottled water because it always seemed stupid to me to pay for water. These bottled waters are no better and a total waste of money!
Leinart finally ponies up for his kid!

That deep sigh you heard is from all the ladies glad that Usher did not end up getting married this past weekend!

Why did Usher and Tameka Foster call off their wedding yesterday? It seems that absolutely nothing was working for the would-be bride and groom.
Usher's mother and former manager was part of the problem, as were differences in opinion between the couple. Usher's mother, Jonetta Patton, is against the wedding, and was only invited to the ceremony at the last minute. Her disapproval, a source told People, "is one of the main obstacles." Usher wanted to take the reception upscale with a catered dinner from chef Jean Georges, while Foster wanted a backyard barbecue. "They only decided two weeks ago to have a wedding," said a source. "They wanted to have it take place before the baby bump started showing".
Usher's mother and former manager was part of the problem, as were differences in opinion between the couple. Usher's mother, Jonetta Patton, is against the wedding, and was only invited to the ceremony at the last minute. Her disapproval, a source told People, "is one of the main obstacles." Usher wanted to take the reception upscale with a catered dinner from chef Jean Georges, while Foster wanted a backyard barbecue. "They only decided two weeks ago to have a wedding," said a source. "They wanted to have it take place before the baby bump started showing".
Holy cow, she just called this girl out in front of everyone!

Damn you Jennifer Garner for making your kid wear Crocs!
Friday, July 27, 2007
New details on Pat Tillman - HE WAS MURDERED!
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Army medical examiners were suspicious about the close proximity of the three bullet holes in Pat Tillman's forehead and tried without success to get authorities to investigate whether the former NFL player's death amounted to a crime, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.
"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor who examined Tillman's body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.
The doctors - whose names were blacked out - said that the bullet holes were so close together that it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away.
Ultimately, the Pentagon did conduct a criminal investigation, and asked Tillman's comrades whether he was disliked by his men and whether they had any reason to believe he was deliberately killed. The Pentagon eventually ruled that Tillman's death at the hands of his comrades was a friendly-fire accident.
(AP) Lt. Gen. Philip Kensinger Jr., center, outgoing commander of U.S. Army Special Operations Command,...Full ImageThe medical examiners' suspicions were outlined in 2,300 pages of testimony released to the AP this week by the Defense Department in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.
Among other information contained in the documents:
- In his last words moments before he was killed, Tillman snapped at a panicky comrade under fire to shut up and stop "sniveling."
- Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments.
- The three-star general who kept the truth about Tillman's death from his family and the public told investigators some 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn't recall details of his actions.
- No evidence at all of enemy fire was found at the scene - no one was hit by enemy fire, nor was any government equipment struck.
The Pentagon and the Bush administration have been criticized in recent months for lying about the circumstances of Tillman's death. The military initially told the public and the Tillman family that he had been killed by enemy fire. Only weeks later did the Pentagon acknowledge he was gunned down by fellow Rangers.
With questions lingering about how high in the Bush administration the deception reached, Congress is preparing for yet another hearing next week.
The Pentagon is separately preparing a new round of punishments, including a stinging demotion of retired Lt. Gen. Philip R. Kensinger Jr., 60, according to military officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the punishments under consideration have not been made public.
In more than four hours of questioning by the Pentagon inspector general's office in December 2006, Kensinger repeatedly contradicted other officers' testimony, and sometimes his own. He said on some 70 occasions that he did not recall something.
At one point, he said: "You've got me really scared about my brain right now. I'm really having a problem."
Tillman's mother, Mary Tillman, who has long suggested that her son was deliberately killed by his comrades, said she is still looking for answers and looks forward to the congressional hearings next week.
"Nothing is going to bring Pat back. It's about justice for Pat and justice for other soldiers. The nation has been deceived," she said.
The documents show that a doctor who autopsied Tillman's body was suspicious of the three gunshot wounds to the forehead. The doctor said he took the unusual step of calling the Army's Human Resources Command and was rebuffed. He then asked an official at the Army's Criminal Investigation Division if the CID would consider opening a criminal case.
"He said he talked to his higher headquarters and they had said no," the doctor testified.
Also according to the documents, investigators pressed officers and soldiers on a question Mrs. Tillman has been asking all along.
"Have you, at any time since this incident occurred back on April 22, 2004, have you ever received any information even rumor that Cpl. Tillman was killed by anybody within his own unit intentionally?" an investigator asked then-Capt. Richard Scott.
Scott, and others who were asked, said they were certain the shooting was accidental.
Investigators also asked soldiers and commanders whether Tillman was disliked, whether anyone was jealous of his celebrity, or if he was considered arrogant. They said Tillman was respected, admired and well-liked.
The documents also shed new light on Tillman's last moments.
It has been widely reported by the AP and others that Spc. Bryan O'Neal, who was at Tillman's side as he was killed, told investigators that Tillman was waving his arms shouting "Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat (expletive) Tillman, damn it!" again and again.
But the latest documents give a different account from a chaplain who debriefed the entire unit days after Tillman was killed.
The chaplain said that O'Neal told him he was hugging the ground at Tillman's side, "crying out to God, help us. And Tillman says to him, 'Would you shut your (expletive) mouth? God's not going to help you; you need to do something for yourself, you sniveling ..."
Tator Tot injured?

By Splash
Britney Spears' son was hit last night during a Las Vegas brawl between her bodyguard and a photographer.
The troubled pop star told police that one of her two sons - who has not been named - was assaulted during a scuffle between the snapper and her security.
Pop princess Brit had been at the Wynn Hotel and Casino for less then 24-hours with her children when the fight broke out.
Police did not immediately file charges against the photographer but Britney's bodyguard was cited for misdemeanor battery.
Police said the star's bodyguard, Julio Camera, hit the snapper who was trying get pics of the singer as she made her way though the hotel.
In response Britney filed a crime report on behalf of one of her sons saying a second photographer had battered her son and her bodyguard in an earlier clash.
The fight could not have come at a worse time for Spears who was already under fire for her parenting and for taking her kids away to Sin City amid concerns from her family about her recent erratic behavior.
The 'Toxic' hitmaker and her brother Bryan flew to Vegas in a private jet on Wednesday afternoon with her sons Sean Preston, 22 months, and Jayden James, 10 months.
It is not clear which of the boys was caught up and hit in the fight.
Las Vegas cops said that they were alerted to a disturbance at the Wynn Hotel and Casino just before midday.
A police spokesman said: "Responding officers determined that a private security officer, later identified as Julio Camera, was escorting Britney Spears through the Wynn property when an altercation occurred between Mr Camera and a photographer who was attempting to take pictures of Ms. Spears.
"It was alleged that during the altercation the photographer was battered by Mr. Camera. Detectives from the violent crimes section responded and, following their investigation, Mr Camera was issued a citation for misdemeanor battery.
"The photographer received minor abrasions during the incident.
"A second Crime Report was also filed by Ms Spears on behalf of her minor child. In that report it was alleged that prior to the above incident a second photographer, identified as Kyle Henderson, battered both Mr. Camera and Ms. Spears' child , who was at that time being held by the security officer."
Both incidents are still under investigation by police.
The trip could cause the star problems in her custody battle with ex-husband Kevin Federline.
Under California law, neither parent is allowed to take a child out of state without written permission from the other - or by obtaining a court order. According to a source close to Federline, Spears failed to notify her ex or his attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, that she was taking the children to Las Vegas.
A lawyer for Spears did not respond to calls for comment.
Based on these comments from Lance I never would have guessed he were gay!

Friday, July 27, 2007
Happy Anniversary!!!!!….
TO ME!!!!!!!
So it was a year ago that I decided to let the world know who I really am… and I swear it has been the most amazing experience. Scary at times , but in the end the best thing I have ever done. I want to thank everyone that has been so supportive and showing that this world has and will continue to change in the right direction. With the election coming up, it is even more important that we stand up for what we believe in and be heard. Enviroment, war, civil rights, education…. the list goes on and on. I encourage everyone to learn more this year about ALL the issues that need attention. Some of you will actively be heard and support some issues, and others will just be educated— in the end all that matters is we all are going to have a hand in changing this world for the better!
Also as an Anniversary gift for me …think about doing this….
If you are having trouble being yourself , and are scared to tell someone you are gay— find that loyal friend, family member, or even hotline and tell someone. All it takes is to tell one person and the ball starts rolling. You will get great advice and and be so much happier. Or, if you have always wanted to ask that family member or friend if they were gay.. do it now…. in a very positive and private way , tell them it is ok and you will always be there no matter what. Sometimes its easier for someone to just flat out ask you. To bulid the courage to say it sometimes takes years.
It’s 2007 people , there is no reason we should not be exactly who we want to be- sexual preference, profession, religion, etc. Just respect the fact that everyone is different and live your own lives the way you want! It’s good to be alive and we can do and achieve anything we want!
So go do something positive, nice, fun, or just laugh… it doesnt affect just you .. it catches on!
Have a good one!! LB
Richie headed to prison for four days
Ever want to email celebs - here you go!
Paris Hilton: parishilton[at]tmail.com, princessph[at]mycingular.blackberry.net, paris.hilton[at]californiamail.com, cherubrawk[at]gmail.com
Nicole Richie: foxyncr[at]gmail.com, NRiechiencr[at]aol.com
Kim Kardashian: kimdash33[at]gmail.com
Lindsay Lohan: djllohan[at]californiamail.com, labellavita7[at]gmail.com
Nicole Richie: foxyncr[at]gmail.com, NRiechiencr[at]aol.com
Kim Kardashian: kimdash33[at]gmail.com
Lindsay Lohan: djllohan[at]californiamail.com, labellavita7[at]gmail.com
Georgia Fans - Straight from the head coach!
Q: With all of your losses on defense, you're kind of flying under the radar in the SEC East. How do you like that?
A: I don't worry too much about it one way or another. I was asked about how I felt about none of our guys being named first-team All-SEC. I told my guys that the All-SEC team that matters is the one that is picked at the end of the year. If we win we will have guys on the first team. The teams that win get the accolades. Last year we finished strong, but we were still 1-4 in the [SEC] East. So I can see why people aren't picking us.
Q: You lost your best cornerback, Paul Oliver, to academics. How will your secondary respond?
A: If we played tomorrow Asher Allen would play the boundary corner where Paul was. We were able to redshirt nine of our defensive starters last season but we decided we had to get Asher and Prince Miller ready to play because we thought there was a 50-50 shot that Paul might leave anyway [for the NFL]. We also have [senior] Thomas Flowers coming off an injury and he has played corner. I think we'll be OK.
Q: Does Mikey Henderson have a chance to be an impact receiver?
A: We know Mikey is a great punt returner and last year we moved him to receiver. But when the season started it didn't translate into the kind of production that we would like to have. Now we have to find ways to get him the ball in his comfort level. A guy who is that fast and shifty can make problems for a defense. But we have to get him the ball.
Q: What will be the impact of moving the kickoff to the 30-yard line?
A: Last season we only returned about 25 percent of our kickoffs. Now we predict that we'll return 75 to 90 percent of those kicks. You're going to have to put better athletes on the kick coverage team. Our special teams coach, Jon Fabris, has always believed in kicking the ball high into a spot and then covering it. Now I think everybody is going to have to do that.
Q: Are you going to miss being offensive coordinator?
A: I'm not sure I'm going to miss it now. When I turned it over [to Mike Bobo] it was tough to give up because I've been calling plays about 15 or 16 years. I did it because I though it was in the best interest of the team and the best interest of myself physically. I can now sit back and look at the big picture of our program and I think that's important. Mike Bobo has matured to the point where I know he'll do a better job than I was doing.
Q: You open the season with two very tough games in Oklahoma State (Sept. 1) and South Carolina (Sept. 8). Does that create a sense of urgency as you begin practice?
A: I don't think we'll prepare any differently because I don't think anybody gets to their first game without being excited. We will probably start preparing for Oklahoma State after about 10 practices. Oklahoma State was one of the few teams the country that averaged 200 yards rushing and 200 passing last season. They return nine starters on offense. That is going to be a challenge.
Q: What is your reaction to the fact that South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier has said his team could win the SEC championship?
A: I think he has every reason to believe that. Coach Spurrier is a realistic guy and he shoots everybody straight. The last couple of years he said he wasn't ready. But after what happened last year, when they beat some good teams and had some close losses to great teams, there is no reason they can't compete for the championship. Coach Spurrier will tell you how he feels and he won't sugarcoat it.
Q: How is Matthew Stafford a better quarterback than he was a year ago?
A: A year ago Matthew was a brand new freshman trying to get used to college life. He was just trying to learn the plays. He had no game experience. Now he knows our system and instead of just trying to fit in, he's leading our program. Now he knows what it is like to play in a pressure packed game. I hope he's learned the importance of protecting the football.
Q: Your offensive line is very young. How are you going to get them ready?
A: Stacy Searels [Georgia's new offensive line coach] has a lot of new ideas. He is a great teacher and great technician. We only had six scholarship linemen after last season ended but we were able to bring in five kids at mid-year. If we started tomorrow we would have a true freshman, Trinton Sturdivant, at left tackle. Coach Bobo and I know that we can't do everything at once because we're so young. We're going to have to be careful with this bunch until they get their feet wet."
Q: You lost all of your starting linebackers. What is the status of that position?
A: Brandon Miller is the whole key to our defense. We moved him from the [outside] linebacker to the [middle] linebacker. And when you do that there is an adjustment. But he is very talented and very capable and has the ability to be a dominant player. If he can play at full speed he will be a big plus for us.
Q: Would you ever consider moving the Georgia-Florida game from Jacksonville to the respective campuses?
A: There are a lot of possible scenarios. I'm not even sure when the current contract ends. But I think it would be exciting for our fans to go to Gainesville and for their fans to come to Athens. If you're going to do a rotation, then maybe through in the neutral site in Atlanta. I think that would be good neutral site.
A: I don't worry too much about it one way or another. I was asked about how I felt about none of our guys being named first-team All-SEC. I told my guys that the All-SEC team that matters is the one that is picked at the end of the year. If we win we will have guys on the first team. The teams that win get the accolades. Last year we finished strong, but we were still 1-4 in the [SEC] East. So I can see why people aren't picking us.
Q: You lost your best cornerback, Paul Oliver, to academics. How will your secondary respond?
A: If we played tomorrow Asher Allen would play the boundary corner where Paul was. We were able to redshirt nine of our defensive starters last season but we decided we had to get Asher and Prince Miller ready to play because we thought there was a 50-50 shot that Paul might leave anyway [for the NFL]. We also have [senior] Thomas Flowers coming off an injury and he has played corner. I think we'll be OK.
Q: Does Mikey Henderson have a chance to be an impact receiver?
A: We know Mikey is a great punt returner and last year we moved him to receiver. But when the season started it didn't translate into the kind of production that we would like to have. Now we have to find ways to get him the ball in his comfort level. A guy who is that fast and shifty can make problems for a defense. But we have to get him the ball.
Q: What will be the impact of moving the kickoff to the 30-yard line?
A: Last season we only returned about 25 percent of our kickoffs. Now we predict that we'll return 75 to 90 percent of those kicks. You're going to have to put better athletes on the kick coverage team. Our special teams coach, Jon Fabris, has always believed in kicking the ball high into a spot and then covering it. Now I think everybody is going to have to do that.
Q: Are you going to miss being offensive coordinator?
A: I'm not sure I'm going to miss it now. When I turned it over [to Mike Bobo] it was tough to give up because I've been calling plays about 15 or 16 years. I did it because I though it was in the best interest of the team and the best interest of myself physically. I can now sit back and look at the big picture of our program and I think that's important. Mike Bobo has matured to the point where I know he'll do a better job than I was doing.
Q: You open the season with two very tough games in Oklahoma State (Sept. 1) and South Carolina (Sept. 8). Does that create a sense of urgency as you begin practice?
A: I don't think we'll prepare any differently because I don't think anybody gets to their first game without being excited. We will probably start preparing for Oklahoma State after about 10 practices. Oklahoma State was one of the few teams the country that averaged 200 yards rushing and 200 passing last season. They return nine starters on offense. That is going to be a challenge.
Q: What is your reaction to the fact that South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier has said his team could win the SEC championship?
A: I think he has every reason to believe that. Coach Spurrier is a realistic guy and he shoots everybody straight. The last couple of years he said he wasn't ready. But after what happened last year, when they beat some good teams and had some close losses to great teams, there is no reason they can't compete for the championship. Coach Spurrier will tell you how he feels and he won't sugarcoat it.
Q: How is Matthew Stafford a better quarterback than he was a year ago?
A: A year ago Matthew was a brand new freshman trying to get used to college life. He was just trying to learn the plays. He had no game experience. Now he knows our system and instead of just trying to fit in, he's leading our program. Now he knows what it is like to play in a pressure packed game. I hope he's learned the importance of protecting the football.
Q: Your offensive line is very young. How are you going to get them ready?
A: Stacy Searels [Georgia's new offensive line coach] has a lot of new ideas. He is a great teacher and great technician. We only had six scholarship linemen after last season ended but we were able to bring in five kids at mid-year. If we started tomorrow we would have a true freshman, Trinton Sturdivant, at left tackle. Coach Bobo and I know that we can't do everything at once because we're so young. We're going to have to be careful with this bunch until they get their feet wet."
Q: You lost all of your starting linebackers. What is the status of that position?
A: Brandon Miller is the whole key to our defense. We moved him from the [outside] linebacker to the [middle] linebacker. And when you do that there is an adjustment. But he is very talented and very capable and has the ability to be a dominant player. If he can play at full speed he will be a big plus for us.
Q: Would you ever consider moving the Georgia-Florida game from Jacksonville to the respective campuses?
A: There are a lot of possible scenarios. I'm not even sure when the current contract ends. But I think it would be exciting for our fans to go to Gainesville and for their fans to come to Athens. If you're going to do a rotation, then maybe through in the neutral site in Atlanta. I think that would be good neutral site.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Good news, the markets lose another 2%

So two days after losing 2%, the markets are down another 2%. All sectors, no safe havens. There are a number of problems, subprime seems to be spreading to all forms of credit with delinquenices in credit cards and home equity loans also rising, home builders are a total mess and to top it off earnings overall have not been good. It will be an interesting next quarter to see if the market can recover or if a slide continues.
If you see this cat coming you better head the other way!
Last Updated: Thursday, 26 July 2007, 10:32 GMT 11:32 UK
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US cat 'predicts patient deaths'
Oscar meows in protest if removed from the room of a dying patientA US cat that is reportedly able to sense when a nursing home's residents are about to die is baffling doctors.
Oscar has a habit of curling up next to patients at the home in Providence, Rhode Island, in their final hours.
According to the author of a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the two-year-old cat has been observed to be correct in 25 cases so far.
Staff now alert the families of residents when he sits down next to their ailing loved one.
"He doesn't make many mistakes. He seems to understand when patients are about to die," David Dosa, a professor at Brown University who carried out the research, told the Associated Press news agency.
Oscar was adopted as a kitten at Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre.
Cats often can sense when their owners are sick or when another animal is sick
Thomas Graves, feline expert
The cat is said to do his own rounds, just like the doctors and nurses at the home, but is not generally friendly to patients.
Although most families are grateful for the warning Oscar seems to provide, some relatives ask that the pet be taken away while they say their last goodbyes to their loved ones.
When put outside the room, Oscar is said to pace up and down meowing in protest.
Thomas Graves, a feline expert from the University of Illinois, told the BBC: "Cats often can sense when their owners are sick or when another animal is sick.
"They can sense when the weather will change, they're famous for being sensitive to premonitions of earthquakes."
A doctor who treats patients at the home said she believed there was probably a biochemical explanation, rather than the cat being psychic.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
So after being down 2% yesterday on the major indexes and down 3% on the russell 2000, the market is struggling today as well!
Good news, Lindsey is INNOCENT, well, that comes from Lindsey herself!

The coke was someone else's and it was all someone else's fault! Ok, if she says so! Read more here
I know often times I drive drunk, get in altercations and hold coke for my friends!
Oprah - CHA-CHING!

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Talk might be cheap, but Oprah is not, topping a list of the highest-paid television stars in the United States.
Oprah Winfrey, host and supervising producer of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," earns an estimated $260 million a year, according to a list in TV Guide magazine's July 23 issue. Music producer Simon Cowell, the blunt and often contentious British judge of "American Idol," placed a distant second to Winfrey, with $45 million for his role on the Fox network's smash hit talent show and other projects.
Courtroom chief Judge Judy (Judith Sheindlin), CBS News anchor Katie Couric and "Scrubs" actor Zach Braff round out the top five.
The list breaks down star salaries by category -- prime-time TV, daytime, cable and news with a partial listing below:
TOP FIVE (all salaries are per year)
Oprah Winfrey ("The Oprah Winfrey Show"): $260 million
Simon Cowell ("American Idol"): $45 million
Judge Sheindlin ("Judge Judy"): $30 million
Katie Couric ("CBS Evening News Anchor"): $15 million
Zach Braff ("Scrubs"): $6.3 million
NETWORK PRIME TIME (all salaries are per episode)
William Petersen ("CSI"): $500,000
Charlie Sheen ("Two and a Half Men"): $350,000
Mariska Hargitay ("Law & Order: SVU"): $350,000
Chris Meloni ("Law & Order: SVU"): $350,000
Hugh Laurie ("House"): $300,000
Julia Louis-Dreyfus ("New Adventures of Old Christine"): $225,000
Ellen Pompeo ("Grey's Anatomy"): $200,000
Eva Longoria ("Desperate Housewives"): $200,000
DAYTIME (all salaries are per year)
Judge Judy: $30 million
Bob Barker: $10 million
Maury Povich (per year plus profits): $7 million
Ellen DeGeneres: $5 million
Jerry Springer: $3 million - 4 million
Tyra Banks: $3.5 million
NEWS ANCHORS (all salaries are per year)
Katie Couric ("CBS Evening News" anchor): $15 million
Matt Lauer (NBC "Today" co-anchor): $12 million
Meredith Vieira (NBC "Today" co-anchor): $10 million
Oprah Winfrey, host and supervising producer of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," earns an estimated $260 million a year, according to a list in TV Guide magazine's July 23 issue. Music producer Simon Cowell, the blunt and often contentious British judge of "American Idol," placed a distant second to Winfrey, with $45 million for his role on the Fox network's smash hit talent show and other projects.
Courtroom chief Judge Judy (Judith Sheindlin), CBS News anchor Katie Couric and "Scrubs" actor Zach Braff round out the top five.
The list breaks down star salaries by category -- prime-time TV, daytime, cable and news with a partial listing below:
TOP FIVE (all salaries are per year)
Oprah Winfrey ("The Oprah Winfrey Show"): $260 million
Simon Cowell ("American Idol"): $45 million
Judge Sheindlin ("Judge Judy"): $30 million
Katie Couric ("CBS Evening News Anchor"): $15 million
Zach Braff ("Scrubs"): $6.3 million
NETWORK PRIME TIME (all salaries are per episode)
William Petersen ("CSI"): $500,000
Charlie Sheen ("Two and a Half Men"): $350,000
Mariska Hargitay ("Law & Order: SVU"): $350,000
Chris Meloni ("Law & Order: SVU"): $350,000
Hugh Laurie ("House"): $300,000
Julia Louis-Dreyfus ("New Adventures of Old Christine"): $225,000
Ellen Pompeo ("Grey's Anatomy"): $200,000
Eva Longoria ("Desperate Housewives"): $200,000
DAYTIME (all salaries are per year)
Judge Judy: $30 million
Bob Barker: $10 million
Maury Povich (per year plus profits): $7 million
Ellen DeGeneres: $5 million
Jerry Springer: $3 million - 4 million
Tyra Banks: $3.5 million
NEWS ANCHORS (all salaries are per year)
Katie Couric ("CBS Evening News" anchor): $15 million
Matt Lauer (NBC "Today" co-anchor): $12 million
Meredith Vieira (NBC "Today" co-anchor): $10 million
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