Multiple times per week, Bert Weiss, lead dumbass, of the Bert Show, on All the Hits Q100 in Atlanta feels the need to say he doesn't know who he's voting for but then every chance he gets he praises Barack and bashes John McCain.
Example, yesterday John McCain said he was headed to Washington to participate in the bailout discussions and vote on its approval. And because of this he wanted to possibly pospone a scheduled debate with Barack Obama. So today, here comes little Bert with his bashing, oh, John McCain must be scared and Barack, he's right, you have to be able to do many things at once as President.
Bert, you stupid, uneducated fuck! Bert for those that don't know is a former San Diego St. stoner, drug addict, alcoholic dropout! This is 700 billion dollars we're talking about you jackfuck, I would much rather see McCain and Barack back in the senate debating its merits and coming to conclusions and compromises than having some hour long debate where they both spout their prospective party lines.
We can have the debate another day.
Oh, by the way, who did BERTY vote for in the primaries, that's right kids, he voted the democrat primary and voted for who else but Barack! This, even after, talking an internet quiz that said he should vote for Mitt Romney. How dumb are you BERTY?
Bert wants to put this nitwit communist Barack Obama who can give a good speech the reins to lead the country. What has Barack ever done? Oh yah, over 150 times he voted "PRESENT" in the senate.
Bert go drink yourself stupid and then hide in a bar corner like you do every weekend you dumbfuck and leave the thinking and the decisions to the grownups!
Berts in a dying industry, he supports the damn dems because he knows he'll need them to save his sorry, pathetic industry. Bert's a total wannabe, always hangin out with blacks actin like a brother. Your white, get over it!
Fat Jeff is Bert's Robin Quivers always talking about his damn boat and shit. Then you got that cheatin slut Jenn who whined for five years about gettin married and then cheated on her husband. Let's not forget little MELEZSA, who runs around pushing her gay agenda. You have a disease Melissa - get yourself some help. And then Bert, now put Dickey's cock back in your mouth and suck it real good!
Anyone that would listen to Bert probably can't even vote because their probably a felon! Bert is a moron who should stick to what he does best, suck up to celebrities and talk to atlanta's screwups. Bert is a functional retard.
Berts a fag now he's getting the hair on his arms and chest lasered off!
Melissa carter is such a dumb gay bitch! She said this morning how knowledgeable the bert show is to talk politics. Yah, melissa is so knowlegeable - all that bitch cares about is gay marriage! She sticks that dildo in her pussy and imagines its hillary clinton with a strap on!
The good news is we live in Georgia and so Bert and Melissa can go vote all day for Black Obama and guess what the states going to McCain! That's why you may see obama one time in this state - he has NO chance to win the state!
According to Bert because he lived in DC for five minutes he knows how Washington works. Its scary that anyone listens to Bert and thinks he intelligent. Go watch your Greys Anatomy you bouche!
They know so much about politics that they make a drinking game - Bert + Show equals MORONS!
Bert is such a retard, he admitted he almost fell asleep during the debate. Keep your ass home Bert on election day. You don't need to or deserve to vote! Your a druggie!
Black obama? Obviously its the same racist redneck posting over and over CRS you should really ban racist and homophobic remarks its really disgusting.
I didn't notice it much until you brought it up but Bert was cracking on Sarah Palin hard this morning, his definatly biased and he really does need to shut up. I have never thought of Bert as smart.
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