Monday, June 11, 2007

Ok, Paris has just been "acting" dumb, but when you think about it isn't acting dumb in and of itself dumb?

Paris with a lot of time on her hands called Barbara Walters over the weekend to tell she is "tired of acting dumb" and jail has changed her and she wants to get involved in "causes" when she gets out of jail. That statement just proves that Paris is, in fact, dumb, that and she has little over a grammer school education.

While we're on Paris, why hasn't anyone stopped to think that Paris's sickness is withdrawl and detox? I am not saying she is on coke though she probably is and we all she knows she smokes pot and drinks, it seems like a no brainer to me that her body was detoxing which would account for the shaking and uncontrolable body tremors and it wouldn't shock me that she is hooked on oxy or something else. They said when she entered the prison after the MTV awards she was medicated, guess what, the medication wore off that was leveling her off and her body went into detox. Now, apparantly she is back on drugs. Paris is an addict of some kind. i can't believe no one thought of that!

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