If your traveling, make note of the following, according to the state department, Mexican cops are in fact dirty and if your in Qatar, try not to be in a car. See what else the international scene holds for you here:
Friday, March 30, 2007
Chocalate Jesus Upsets Catholics According to MSNBC
The government wants me to feel sorry for the dumbasses with bad loans?
Market Falls on Damn, Stinky Iran!

How long are we going to put up with the middle east towelheads? As tensions rise over the hostage standoff between Iran and Britian, fears are rising that this may lead to a disruption in the supply of oil. This is driving oil higher which is driving gas prices higher and the market lower. Just a short time ago, in Atlanta gas was down to a hair under $1.90, a couple days ago I spent $2.60 a gallon. Its our own fault though for not following through on alternative fuels after the crisis in the 70's. Read more here:
Ben Stiller - He's an Ass!
Citadelle Gin - Its Spicy!

I had heard many good things about Citadelle and so I picked up a bottle and gave it a shot. Here is what I found, first smell, very pleasant. Next I took a shot, I noticed a nice spice to it and not overwhelming heat from the alcohol. It is an excellent gin for martini's. For those that are vodka snobs, a real martini is made with gin and not vodka. Mixed in gin and tonic, it is good, though I prefer my gin and tonic to be for of a citrus base like Stellar Gin or Wet Gin. Vodka appeals to the masses largely because it has no taste so it mixes well. Give gin a shot and open yourself up to a whole new realm of flavor. I would rate Citadelle very favorably.
Working Out In The Morning, Is It Better?

If you want to look more like the old Britney than the new Britney, I'm here to tell you, morning workouts are the ticket. I had read in article that morning workouts boost your metabolism so I gave them a shot and guess what, I have seen substantial results. The theory is, if you work out first thing in the morning you burn more fat as your stomach is empty. The alternative, work out at night and your burning the calories you have eaten during the day. I am no expert but I will tell you I have lost weight in the week since I made the switch. The other major benefits that I have noticed are more energy throughout the day, better, more sound sleep at night, and much better results from cardio. If you can make the switch to morning workouts I highly recommend it. Read more about the benefits of morning workouts here:
Please throw bitch in jail and throw away the key!


UGA is Dying!!!
Entertainment News

Follow the link for todays entertainment news.
As a side note, the Bert Show sucked this week. Guys and Ladies pick up your game!
Seacrest in Atlanta for the Final Four
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Don't forget to read the older posts!!
Keep coming back.
Make sure to bookmark www.atlnews.blogspot.com
Also give some love to the advertisers on the top and to the right. I am surprised but there are a lot of great advertisements and by clicking you will find a lot of things you like.
If you like politics, you'll love Pure Politics!

If you try and stay in the loop of politics, its tough, Drudge and others give you a little here, a little there, but if your serious about politics, PUREPOLITICS is your stop shop. They no doubt will have the best coverage of the coming presidential primaries and election. Take my word and bookmark www.purepolitics.com The founder of the site is an Atlanta native, Trey Ragsdale, and i'm here to tell you, this guy knows his business.
The Van Der Sloots - I hate them!

Until, I hear different, I don't think there is any question that Joran Van Der Sloot raped and most likely murdered Natalee Holloway of Alabama on her senior trip to Aruba. It has been almost two years now and the small island has been unable to locate her or even determine if there was a crime. I am convinced that Joran's mommy and daddy with the help of others helped in the disposal of Natalee's body. I find this whole family despicable. Definatly boycott Aruba as that whole island is culpable in this girls disappearence. Keep Natalee Holloway and her family in your prayers as the two year anniversary comes up in May. You can always keep up with any case developments at www.scaredmonkeys.com
Who can forget those Carolina Cheerleaders and their Restroom Lesbian Romp, Not Me!!

God love these girls! The best story ever. If you have forgotten or never heard about this one. Read more here:
This has to be one of my favorites of all time!
Bitch was crazy and probably still is!

Whacky Jennifer Wilbanks, the "Runaway Bride" now recruiting cops

I assumed Jennifer had probably died but apparantly not, she is now helping to recruit cops. Good for her.
Read more here:
Entertainment Buzz
Atlantan David Justice almost drove Halle Berry to Suicide!
Hot Enough? Well, thats open to interpretation!

This site www.hotenough.org bills itself as the dating service for the beautiful people. Well, I took a look and these girls are not all that damn hot. The criteria is you are supposed to be atleast an 8 to be voted onto the site. Well, I assumed that meant 8 out of 10 but apparantly it is like 8 out of 100. Go judge for yourself.
LB's Jessica Smith makes Bail!!! YAHHHHHH!!!!
Johnson And Johnson - Easy Money?

While the market continues to slide up and down and is largely flat for the year, one stock Johnson and Johnson seems to have bottomed and leveled off at 60. Stock symbol, JNJ. I like this stock number one because of its price. I think its a value at this level. I also like it because it is so well diversified and lets face it, we all have a johnson and johnson product somewhere in our house. If and when the market falls into recession, johnson and johnson should stand up well as we all will continue to purchase their products as they make necessities. I think Johnson and Johnson has an upside of 10 to 12% over the next six months and possibly as much as 20% in the next year. In the meantime, you can enjoy a 2% dividend. As always do your own research.
Lazy sons of bitches continue to screw us all!

Diddy is fat as hell and now full of shit!
Halle's Tits Are HUGE! I did not know that!
Make an IRA Contribution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LB's Kristen now working the deli at Publix!
LB's Jessica Smith being held on $100,000.00 Bail?
Jack Osbourne leaves Idol

I can't believe the media is covering this Trump/McMahon BS
Run's House Tradgedy

Apparantly this happened awhile ago but if you remember on the last season of Run's House on MTV his wife had just gotten pregnant. Well, apparantly the child was born with a defect where the organs are on the outside of the body. Needless to say the little girl could not survive. MTV had the camera's rolling and the next season will deal with how the family copes with this tragic loss.
Read more here: