Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Trader Joe's And Two Buck Chuck - Are you a whino?

Trader Joe's is a market, somewhere between a Publix and a Fresh Market/Whole Foods. Now, they sell wine for like two bucks and the word is that it is great wine and the reason it is so cheap is because california had a great crop of grapes and produced too many. Ok, this is not true, these are not Napa grapes, they are one step above grocery grapes. Don't get sucked in, my sister served this crap last Thanksgiving and I'm here to tell you I wouldn't make a whino on the street drink that crap. As with most things you get what you pay for, so next time one of your friends or family tries to serve you this crap, tell them you'd rather go take a drink out of the toilet.
Now, if your a cheap bastard or a whino and you still want to try it, then go here and see if there is a Trader Joe's close to you.

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