Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Open Letter to Sean William Scott: JENN HOBBY IS CRAZY!! Run away DUDE and fast!

Last week Q100's desperate Jenn Hobby asked Sean William Scott out and since then she is wating for him to call her just to catch you up.
Jenn is a recent divorcee is who is rumored to have divorced because she cheated with a station photographer.
Sean, run, run away!! She is doable cute but you can do better. She has done nothing but gab about your tow minute conversation for five days now! That is PSYCHO! If you need the publicity I am sure she would be up for a sex tape, thats how desperate she is for attention!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
BERT WEISS should have his KIDS taken away NOW!
So yesterday dumbass Bert Weiss played a clip of his son Hayden on the radio, Hayden said the Weiss family was "doomed" if Barack Obama did not win the election.
Way to go Bert and Stacy, way to scare the fuck out of your son, and make him think the world was doomed if BO did not win. Bert wondered where he got that idea, hey, dumbass, he got it from your and fake titted wife! Who the hell do you think he got it from?
Hayden probably had sleepless nights worrying because you put those sick ideas in his head.
Defax should come take your kids!
By the way, I hope when BO cuts military and homeland security spending that your son doesn't get blown up in front of your face because of a new terrororist attack on this country. I hope you don't see your son get his arm or leg blown off because of your stupidity. How quickly you dimwits forgot 9/11!
Way to go Bert and Stacy, way to scare the fuck out of your son, and make him think the world was doomed if BO did not win. Bert wondered where he got that idea, hey, dumbass, he got it from your and fake titted wife! Who the hell do you think he got it from?
Hayden probably had sleepless nights worrying because you put those sick ideas in his head.
Defax should come take your kids!
By the way, I hope when BO cuts military and homeland security spending that your son doesn't get blown up in front of your face because of a new terrororist attack on this country. I hope you don't see your son get his arm or leg blown off because of your stupidity. How quickly you dimwits forgot 9/11!
Friday, September 26, 2008
There is a serious gas shortage and I believe the fuel used to fuel buses to carry teams to hs and college football games is a serious waste. Fuel to go to Braves games, Falcons games, Georgia Bulldog games is wasteful! Listen, I love UGA football, but there is no harm in rescheduling the game this weekend. Think of all the wasted fuel to get from Atlanta to Athens and back. WASTE!!
This must be done!!
This must be done!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Multiple times per week, Bert Weiss, lead dumbass, of the Bert Show, on All the Hits Q100 in Atlanta feels the need to say he doesn't know who he's voting for but then every chance he gets he praises Barack and bashes John McCain.
Example, yesterday John McCain said he was headed to Washington to participate in the bailout discussions and vote on its approval. And because of this he wanted to possibly pospone a scheduled debate with Barack Obama. So today, here comes little Bert with his bashing, oh, John McCain must be scared and Barack, he's right, you have to be able to do many things at once as President.
Bert, you stupid, uneducated fuck! Bert for those that don't know is a former San Diego St. stoner, drug addict, alcoholic dropout! This is 700 billion dollars we're talking about you jackfuck, I would much rather see McCain and Barack back in the senate debating its merits and coming to conclusions and compromises than having some hour long debate where they both spout their prospective party lines.
We can have the debate another day.
Oh, by the way, who did BERTY vote for in the primaries, that's right kids, he voted the democrat primary and voted for who else but Barack! This, even after, talking an internet quiz that said he should vote for Mitt Romney. How dumb are you BERTY?
Bert wants to put this nitwit communist Barack Obama who can give a good speech the reins to lead the country. What has Barack ever done? Oh yah, over 150 times he voted "PRESENT" in the senate.
Bert go drink yourself stupid and then hide in a bar corner like you do every weekend you dumbfuck and leave the thinking and the decisions to the grownups!
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Josh Waring, the son of Lauri Waring from "The Real Housewives of Orange County," was sentenced Monday to 240 days in the pokey for possession of heroin and ecstasy and an intent to sell.But here's the rub -- Josh was actually turned in by his own mother! Apparently Lauri showed up to her condo where Josh was living, and found drugs on the premises. She contacted the cops, even telling them where her son's hangout spots were and he was busted the next day. Guess that's OC tough love!
Don't drop the soap Joshy!
Jenn reported this morning on her morning show, The Bert Show, in Atlanta, that her divorce from Ryan Newell of Sister Hazel was finalized yesterday in a Dekalb County, GA courthouse.
According to Jenn it was an uncontested divorce and Ryan Newell did not need to appear.
She later cried when telling of the support she has recieved from her mom, dad, brother, and friends.
She said her dad called her and said "he was glad to be the man in her life again", this made her cry.
No other details were provided.
According to Jenn it was an uncontested divorce and Ryan Newell did not need to appear.
She later cried when telling of the support she has recieved from her mom, dad, brother, and friends.
She said her dad called her and said "he was glad to be the man in her life again", this made her cry.
No other details were provided.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Aubrey O'DAY turns down role on 90210!

Aubrey O'Day playing an aspiring actress who gets caught up in a sex scandal? Some of these casting directors really have a wild imagination!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jenn Hobby: Radio Personality, Q100’s The Bert Show
“The ricotta beignets with hot chocolate sauce at Shaun's Restaurant in Inman Park make a Sunday brunch anything but pious! A friend introduced me to them and I simply can't get enough. They arrive at the table like a little mountain of seduction. The mini-beignets melt in your mouth and the warm chocolate coats your lips just enough to require giving them an extra lick. They are satisfying, sweetly sinful and $6 on their summer brunch menu. Plus, I just feel naughty indulging in these bite-sized, flirty favorites. I love dishing delicious stories with girlfriends over these bad boys... kiss and tell, anyone? Better yet, feed them to your lover and stimulate a swift return to your bedroom.”
Settle down girl, its food!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Former NBA all-star Joe Barry Carroll claims in a lawsuit that he was humiliated and traumatized by the way he was treated in a Buckhead restaurant.
Carroll filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Tavern at Phipps, alleging he and a friend, who are black, were asked to leave the restaurant's bar because they refused to give up their seats to two white women.
"I was shocked that it ever happened," said Carroll, 50, now an investment adviser. "But since I've gotten over the shock, I've felt I have a responsibility to promote some conversation, some discussion about this."
A former Purdue University star, Carroll was the top pick in the 1980 NBA draft. He moved to Atlanta in 1991 after a 10-year career in which he averaged 17.7 points a game.
Greg Greenbaum, who owns the 17-year-old Phipps Plaza restaurant, disagreed with Carroll's assertions.
"I don't feel we've done anything wrong," Greenbaum said Wednesday. "We don't discriminate."
Carroll and attorney Joseph Shaw went to the Tavern after work Aug. 11, 2006. They sat at the bar and ordered drinks and food.
A short time later, a bartender asked them to give up their seats for two white women. There were "several white males" also at the bar, but none of them was asked to move, the suit says.
Carroll and Shaw politely declined, but the bartender told them it was the Tavern's custom for men to give up their seats at the bar to women, the suit says. Carroll and Shaw were then told repeatedly by two other Tavern employees to give up their seats, while none of the white men at the bar was asked to do so, the suit says.
Carroll and Shaw, saying they wanted to finish their meal, still declined to leave their seats at the bar. So the Tavern management called a security guard who escorted the two men out of the restaurant, the suit says.
Carroll and Shaw soon filed a complaint before the city of Atlanta's Human Relations Commission.
After a hearing, the panel found the Tavern discriminated against the men on the basis of their gender "and, arguably, their race."
"In light of the long racial history between black and white, the commission can't help but to wince at the notion of expressly sanctioning a practice that would have the effect of requiring an African-American to relinquish his or her seat to a Caucasian patron," its Oct. 10, 2007, ruling said. It added that "race was a factor in the escalation of the situation."
Greenbaum said Wednesday that Carroll and Shaw were not targeted because they were African-American. "But we may be more preferential to women," he said.
"We're all Southern gentlemen," Greenbaum said. "It creates a nice social environment when gentlemen give up their seats at the bar. That's the way we like to do business. It's a courtesy to our female guests."
Shaw, a criminal defense attorney, said Wednesday he plans to file his own suit.
Carroll, represented by lawyers Gerry Weber and Hollie Manheimer, seeks unspecified damages and a court order ensuring free and unfettered access at the bar, without regard to race or gender. Carroll said he will donate any jury award to charity.
"This was absolutely different from simply asking us to give up our seats for some ladies," he said. "This is the kind of not-so-subtle discrimination that happens too often."
I love that place but the whole thing is a little shady, that said they could have given up their seats to ladies.
My take, their is a perception, real or myth, that black people do not tip well so I suspect the bar staff did not want them taking up seats when they could have two hotties sitting at the bar and men coming over and buying them drinks. Beautiful women at a bar makes a bar more attractive.
Carroll filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Tavern at Phipps, alleging he and a friend, who are black, were asked to leave the restaurant's bar because they refused to give up their seats to two white women.
"I was shocked that it ever happened," said Carroll, 50, now an investment adviser. "But since I've gotten over the shock, I've felt I have a responsibility to promote some conversation, some discussion about this."
A former Purdue University star, Carroll was the top pick in the 1980 NBA draft. He moved to Atlanta in 1991 after a 10-year career in which he averaged 17.7 points a game.
Greg Greenbaum, who owns the 17-year-old Phipps Plaza restaurant, disagreed with Carroll's assertions.
"I don't feel we've done anything wrong," Greenbaum said Wednesday. "We don't discriminate."
Carroll and attorney Joseph Shaw went to the Tavern after work Aug. 11, 2006. They sat at the bar and ordered drinks and food.
A short time later, a bartender asked them to give up their seats for two white women. There were "several white males" also at the bar, but none of them was asked to move, the suit says.
Carroll and Shaw politely declined, but the bartender told them it was the Tavern's custom for men to give up their seats at the bar to women, the suit says. Carroll and Shaw were then told repeatedly by two other Tavern employees to give up their seats, while none of the white men at the bar was asked to do so, the suit says.
Carroll and Shaw, saying they wanted to finish their meal, still declined to leave their seats at the bar. So the Tavern management called a security guard who escorted the two men out of the restaurant, the suit says.
Carroll and Shaw soon filed a complaint before the city of Atlanta's Human Relations Commission.
After a hearing, the panel found the Tavern discriminated against the men on the basis of their gender "and, arguably, their race."
"In light of the long racial history between black and white, the commission can't help but to wince at the notion of expressly sanctioning a practice that would have the effect of requiring an African-American to relinquish his or her seat to a Caucasian patron," its Oct. 10, 2007, ruling said. It added that "race was a factor in the escalation of the situation."
Greenbaum said Wednesday that Carroll and Shaw were not targeted because they were African-American. "But we may be more preferential to women," he said.
"We're all Southern gentlemen," Greenbaum said. "It creates a nice social environment when gentlemen give up their seats at the bar. That's the way we like to do business. It's a courtesy to our female guests."
Shaw, a criminal defense attorney, said Wednesday he plans to file his own suit.
Carroll, represented by lawyers Gerry Weber and Hollie Manheimer, seeks unspecified damages and a court order ensuring free and unfettered access at the bar, without regard to race or gender. Carroll said he will donate any jury award to charity.
"This was absolutely different from simply asking us to give up our seats for some ladies," he said. "This is the kind of not-so-subtle discrimination that happens too often."
I love that place but the whole thing is a little shady, that said they could have given up their seats to ladies.
My take, their is a perception, real or myth, that black people do not tip well so I suspect the bar staff did not want them taking up seats when they could have two hotties sitting at the bar and men coming over and buying them drinks. Beautiful women at a bar makes a bar more attractive.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Jim Cramer is a JOKE!
So I have to admit I have watched Jim on Mad Money for a couple years now and watch his videos on thestreet.com and read his articles on bloggingstocks for about the same amount of time.
His show is humorous and I have said for two years now that the value in Jim was not on individual stocks but on big trends. For example, the natural gas trend, 2008 THE YEAR OF NATURAL GAS.
To Jim's credit, he was among the first to discuss the gravity of the credit crisis and subprime and in all honesty he saved me tens of thousands of dollars in talking about getting out of financials. I was in many of them, Bank of America, Citi, Regions, Wachovia and based on his advice I exited many with gains still in tact or at worst very small losses.
Now to why I say Jim is a joke. All year long and as recently as late last month Jim was touting natural gas and it going to $16. Then oil fell below support and natural gas fell too, to the high $9 range. At this point Jim said these stocks, natural gas stocks, looked like buys and natural gas would bottom at $8.99. Yesterday, natural gas and natural gas stocks plummeted and today Jim says in a video on thestreet.com that natural gas is going to $8 and in the same video, thirty seconds later, says, well, maybe $7.
There comes a point where if you don't know what's going on, just SHUT THE HELL UP! Stop making forecasts. God damn, if you make 50 forecasts, eventually you'll be right.
So the reason why I watched Jim is now gone as he is not even right on the big trends. Will I tune in at somepoint? Yah, but only for laughs and to see him act the clown he is and rip the heads off plastic bears and chew on plastic bulls and yell boo-yah and ski-daddy and see the rest of his comical act. Jim Cramer is no longer credible, he is the freak show act in the back tent of the circus.
His show is humorous and I have said for two years now that the value in Jim was not on individual stocks but on big trends. For example, the natural gas trend, 2008 THE YEAR OF NATURAL GAS.
To Jim's credit, he was among the first to discuss the gravity of the credit crisis and subprime and in all honesty he saved me tens of thousands of dollars in talking about getting out of financials. I was in many of them, Bank of America, Citi, Regions, Wachovia and based on his advice I exited many with gains still in tact or at worst very small losses.
Now to why I say Jim is a joke. All year long and as recently as late last month Jim was touting natural gas and it going to $16. Then oil fell below support and natural gas fell too, to the high $9 range. At this point Jim said these stocks, natural gas stocks, looked like buys and natural gas would bottom at $8.99. Yesterday, natural gas and natural gas stocks plummeted and today Jim says in a video on thestreet.com that natural gas is going to $8 and in the same video, thirty seconds later, says, well, maybe $7.
There comes a point where if you don't know what's going on, just SHUT THE HELL UP! Stop making forecasts. God damn, if you make 50 forecasts, eventually you'll be right.
So the reason why I watched Jim is now gone as he is not even right on the big trends. Will I tune in at somepoint? Yah, but only for laughs and to see him act the clown he is and rip the heads off plastic bears and chew on plastic bulls and yell boo-yah and ski-daddy and see the rest of his comical act. Jim Cramer is no longer credible, he is the freak show act in the back tent of the circus.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008

Here’s how Bravo is spinning it in its press release:
Bravo is heading south for its newest installment, “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” The seven episode series will follow five women from Atlanta’s social elite - from NBA and NFL wives to sassy single moms - as they juggle their burgeoning careers and busy home lives with the whirl of the south’s hottest city.
Rumors have been floating around for months and the gossip Web site Young Black and Fabulous provided juicy details of four of the five women on June 9.
This follows the original, trashy “The Real Housewives of the O.C.,” the offshoot “The Real Housewives of New York City” and soon “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” Apparently, Bravo thinks it has its very own “CSI” franchise.
The first 30-minute preview special airs Wednesday, July 30 at midnight after a rebroadcast of “Project Runway.” A specific launch date for the series has not bee set yet.
The only name as a local Atlantan that I know is Eric Snow, the NBA player. His wife will be on the show and is the woman sitting and in the purple dress.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

After taking the very first caller at her new gig at B98.5, Locke accidentally uttered “Star 94.”
“I’m going to the Dark Side!” she said, moments after realizing her snafu at 5:05 a.m.
Steve McCoy, her on-air partner with Star 94 for 17 years until November, 2007, chuckled and cued the “Star Wars” music. “Ladies and gentleman,” she said, “I bet $100 any time one of us turns to the Dark Side. It took me five minutes!” (The $100 will go to charity.)
Minutes earlier, McCoy opened the show: “As we were saying before we were so rudely interrupted.” (He told my colleague Rich Eldredge in the print edition today that this was his planned joke and he used it.) Here’s that story.
“It’s the dawn of a brand new day,” he noted. “It’s been like Christmas Day for us.” (He hardly slept last night after eight months off the air.) The show did “Quickies From Vikki” gossip, at 40 minutes after the hour from 5 to 7. During the 5 a.m. hour, they took calls, dubbing it “Alive at Five.” And they thanked Scott Slade over at sister station WSB-AM for making the coffee, something they used to do at Star 94.
And while the team is new (Will Gara remains as producer, Mark Arum continues to do traffic and Jeff Hullinger from WSB-AM now does news), the show sounds very much the same.
CREDIT: Rodney Ho/Staff
After the show, I caught McCoy (above) for a few moments. (Vikki had already been whisked away by sales folks eager to show her off to clients.). “It went remarkably smoothly,” he said. “If we hadn’t said it was the first day, I wonder how many listeners would have noticed.”
Tommy Sullivan, who was part of the morning team for more than a decade at Star 94, came by at 7 a.m. Sullivan was not hired by B98.5 but remains co host at “Atlanta & Company” at WXIA-TV. He will join Steve & Vikki every Thursday at 8 a.m. for an unpaid gig to talk about weekend events. Sullivan’s “Atlanta & Company” co-host and former Dave FM host Holly Firfer also came by.
Ludacris, shamelessly promoting his new restaurant Straits, called in (likely the first time he’s ever been on B98.5). Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, Braves veteran pitcher Tom Glavine and McCoy’s neighbor and comic Jeff Foxworthy also checked in to wish them well. “All is right in the world now that you’re back,” Foxworthy said. Ryan Seacrest will be on tomorrow.
While on Star 94, the show aired from 5:30 a.m. to about 9:45 a.m.. At B98.5, they air from 5 a.m. to about 9 a.m. to accommodate the idea that people are out on the road earlier than ever. (The Morning Mess, like the Regular Guys, Frank & Wanda and the Bert Show, all go to 10 a.m., but Giant Brian, Cletus T. Judd and Zack Tyler also end at 9.)
After taking some callers excited about their return, McCoy at 5:17 a.m. said, “We won’t turn this into a lovefest.”
“But we love it!” Locke said.
“We always consider the listeners as family. We love that kind of feeling,” he said. Then he fumbled over the Web site address. (Hey—this is the first hour of the first day!)
According to that B98.5 Web site,, they are using the Chastain Park Amphitheatre Human Regeneration tour for a “return” concert starring Human League, Belinda Carlisle, Naked Eyes, Flock of Seagulls and ABC August 29. Those ’80s nostalgia acts actually preceded the pairing but who’s keeping track? The pair will also be at the Atlanta Pride Festival on Sunday, with Welcome Back Lunches at the different Ray’s restaurants (dates forthcoming.) The site also references a few new elements to the show. “The Ladies Room,” at 8:05 a.m. Wednesdays, will feature women talking about a variety of topics and Robanne’s Style File will include talk about fashion trends.
The Web site bio conveniently omits the name of their predecessor station, Star 94.
At 5:53 a.m., Vikki mocked Steve for going to Italy and then raving about the… gum.
Steve was naturally unapologetic: “I just noticed the flavor lasted for hours! Why can’t we have this in America?”
“You’re strange,” Vikki said.
She also teased Steve’s dedication to radio. “You will die in a radio station - probably this one!”
Vikki noted she “detoxed” on a beach for two months in North Carolina after she left Star 94 in November.
In his offtime, Steve noted at 7 a.m., he became addicted to the videogame “Call of Duty 4” on the Xbox. “I’m very bad at it,” he cracked. “I’m the only one who has been beaten by the French.”
And Steve & Vikki must be thrilled to have day one endorsements from Jim Ellis Audi as well as Airtran.
It appears they are playing four or six songs an hour, about the same as they did at Star 94, compared to 8 to 10 when Kelly & Alpha were on. So for folks who want less talk and more music and enjoy this style of music, well, you have no place to go for now on the FM airwaves.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
PAULA DEAN'S Savannah, GEORGIA restaurant caught on FIRE!

Paula Deen might want to cut down on the butter. A small fire -- caused by a bunch of greasy rags -- broke out last night around 11:00 PM at her restaurant in Savannah. Don't worry though, they're open for lunch today!Deen's son Jamie told a local paper "I think if we get one round of fried chicken goin' in here you won't smell the smoke at all."When she heard the news, Paula rushed to the scene in her bathrobe and slippers.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The LATEST Jenn HOBBY divorce RUMOR!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
LULU Spencer: The MOST ANNOYING charachter on all of TV!!

Lulu Spencer is on a soap opera, General Hospital. And I have decided I hate her because she is just too f-ing annoying! Bitch is in everyone's business all day long. She's telling her brother Nick to stay away from Claudia because she's in the mob. Who's Lulu screwing, Johnny Zacara, who is Claudia's sister and also in the mob. When she's not bitching about that, she's bitching at Jason Morgan the head of the rival crime family not to hurt Johnny. Its like LULU shut the hell up! Then she's in Spinelli's business about hanging out with Maxie. It's like look girl, mind your damn business! Then when she's not doing that she's in Carly's business. God damn, I hate LULU! Nothing would make me happier than to see her get caught in the crossfire of the pending mob war and killed!
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