Monday, April 23, 2007

Neal Boortz still doesn't get it!

Neal is still on this kick about why didn't the VT kids defend themselves and fight back. He still doesn't get why this would be offensive. He still doesn't get why they most likely did not fight back. Ok, Neal, here it is: Cho had a gun, they did not is the main reason. Every hear when you in fist fight bring a knife, when your in knife fight bring a gun? In other words have a better weapon than your opponent. They had nothing - no gun, no knife, what did they have? An even bigger reason is when Cho started shooting many were automatically on the floor trying to seek cover from their desks so they were in a defensive position that would be hard to recover from. Once your on the floor and you go to stand, you become an even bigger target. It took me four or five days to figure out if it were me in the room, I would have tried to throw as much stuff at him as possible - books, desks, whatever was handy but it took me a few days to figure that out. If you were in a class of 15 and in a hearbeat 7 of you are dead, 5 are injured and maybe two are alive, guess what, I'm probably playing dead at that point. Its most likely your best bet. Charge at him? Odds are you ain't getting to him. Throw stuff at him? Only works if a lot of people throw stuff at him and then charge him and odds are someone is dying because unless you get lucky and knock the gun out of his hand atleast a few of you are getting shot before the group reaches him and disarms him. No question in my mind, these kids were just overwhelmed by the fire power and they did what most if not everyone would have done and thats try and seek cover somehow.

So whats the answer, arm the students, more security guards on campus that are armed, arm the teachers what? Arming the students in my mind is a disaster waiting to happen, i would not want to teach with students in my class armed. More security guards? It costs money, tuition is always rising. If you add30 armed security guards at $60,000 each, thats 1.8 million, if the student population is 20,000 thats an extra $90/ a year and is 30 enough? Arming the teachers, probably the best solution in my mind as long as they are trained and can get to the gun fast enough as it would have to be locked up or on their body. The BEST solution remains for people to get involved with their kids.

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