Friday, April 20, 2007


On Friday the Bert Show does a bit about why should they talk to someone on Monday.
Well, this guy calls in and you can tell he is early to mid twenties. He is engaged and getting married later this year. So whats his game plan this weekend, he is going to buy a truck for $40,000.00 outright because he feels like he has been sacrificing too much and he needs to do something for himself. He isn't going to discuss this with the fiance because she will see the truck when she gets home and she doesn't WANT A BIG WEDDING! HAHAHAHAHHAHA! What an idiot! Oh by the way, his idea of buying the truck outright isn't to pay cash its to put it on his credit card because we all know a credit card is just like cash only its cash that you never have to pay back! What a moron!
Then, the next girl that called needs to tell her ex boyfriend she is pregnant with his baby now. Oh by the way, the girl broke up with the boyfriend because he slept with her sister and got her pregnant. This is why society is going to hell!
Finally, there's Wendy who does the weekend entertainment for Atlanta on Q100. Well, her boyfriend is a jerk and he won't leave her alone now. Look, jackass, whoever you are, leave this poor girl alone!

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